Jan 12Liked by Betty Williams

I had a very extensive list of groceries printed out and kids/hubby/me were to circle what was needed each week. But now that it's just two and hubby cooks, he goes to the store with a simple hand-written list. But we do try to "empty" the freezer once in a while and eat what is in there. Good reminder to plan ahead for the week. Great article and I laughed out loud a couple of times...

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Thank you and I'm so glad you enjoyed it, friend! And I love the idea of circling things on a printed list - that is so smart!

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Jan 11Liked by Betty Williams

These are definitely some great reminders. In the past few years, especially as empty-nesters, I have been trying to buy only food we will eat. With our busy schedules we don't have consistency in our dinner times, cooking, and eating at home per sé, however, I buy less at the grocery store than I used to. Sometimes I make the mistake of buying for good intentions and have to remind myself to only buy what we will actually use. Thanks for the awesome reminders.

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Yes the dinner hour isn’t so consistent anymore! But I am liking the flexibility.

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